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There are 2 installment payments which will be detailed at the bottom of you invoice.  The first installment is due upon registration and the 2nd due in March.  Etransfers should be sent to


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The 2024 Showcase raised over $4600 for the Janeway Foundation.  Since 2018, we have raised $9,280 for various charities! 

Our 1st Showcase was inspired by Bradley Ellsworth, who lost his battle with cancer in 2018 at the tender age of 20.  Bradley was an avid athlete and outdoorsman and his courageous battle inspired me to step outside my comfort zone!  Just goes to show - you never know who you may inspire!

Reminder: Each Gymnasts can bring 6 guests.  Don't forget your proof of your donation is your groups ticket!

Arrival Times

  • Volunteers - 40 minutes before showtime and will meet in the Gymnasium.  
  • Gymnasts - 30 minutes prior to showtime, except for Intro Adult Assisted classes 15 minutes prior. (Only one adult is permitted to enter with the gymnast.)  
  • Guests may enter the building 15 minutes prior to showtime to ease congestion.  

Show Day Prep

  • Gymnasts hair should be in 2 french braids or low braid (no high buns or ponytails)

  • Gymnasts MUST have fitted athletic clothing (NO loose  t-shirts or loose shorts)

  • NO hair bows, jewelry, zippers, etc

  • Eat PRIOR to arrival.

  • No toys (There will be coloring sheets in the stage area)

  • Please carpool, if possible, to ease traffic congestion and parking.

  • Bring a copy of your donation for your party in lieu of ticket


  • Gymnasts - 30 t0 40 minutes prior to the show time for warm up and instruction.

  •  Intro Class participants should arrive 15 minutes prior to show time for group picture

  • Guests are asked to wait until 15 minutes before showtime to enter the building to ease conguestion.  Please allow for Gymnasts to enter first.

  • Parents must sign your child in with Group Monitors, 

  • Athletes will be directed to a designated area upon arrival.

  • Please have mininmal extra clothing and slip on shoes, if possible.


During the Showcase

  • Our Intro Class participants  may sit with parents once they have finished.

  • Gymnasts 5 and up will stay on the stage during the show.

  • Please feel free to clap for our gymnasts.

  • We encourage you to take pictures and videos during the show.  Feel free to walk the cuircut to do so.

  • Clap, Clap, Clap!

After the show

  • To ensure an orderly dismissal; all guests should promptly exit the gym and ONLY 1 person should wait in the gym to sign out the gymnast

  • Guests are asked to tidy their area prior to leaving, this will help greatly in preparation for the next show.

  • After the final show, it would be appreciated if guests can assist with stacking chairs.

Volunteer Positions



4PM Showtime

Show Coordinator

1:30PM Showtime

Show Coordinator

First Half Vanessa Hutchings Ashley Way
Second Half Crystal Cooper Christy Mercer

Group Monitors

Group Monitors

First Half Claudine Anderson Kyla Warford
Second Half Anne Marie Walsh Melissa Andrews

Ticket Taker

Ticket Taker

Back up During Show if Needed

Jennifer Mercer Meghan Jackson
Back up During Show if Needed JoAnne Norman Need backup person


Show Coordinator - Tasks

  • Both Coordinators will meet in the gym upon arrival.

  • One Coordinator will oversee Group Monitors tasks and the other will assist the Ticket Takers.

  • Will ensure all participants are signed in on the Master List at the start of the show and will ensure each child is signed out in an orderly fashion at the end of the show. (see Group Monitors task)

  • Ensure participants are ready in the order of their performance for the floor prep Coordinators (Tonya Fry and Lauren Collier) 

  • Both Coordinator will organize participants for a group photo at the start of the show on the Stage!

  • Announce the amount of donation raised at the end of the show. (see Ticket takers) and remind participants to tidy for the next show or assist in stacking chairs.

  • Oversee the orderly dismissal by Group Monitors.

Group Monitors - Tasks 

  • Ensure participants are highlighted on the Master List upon arrival, so the Show Coordinator knows who is present to perform.

  • Ensure no toys, food or drinks. 

  • Supervise children and keep them relatively quiet.  Good Luck!!! :))

  • There will be coloring pencils and coloring sheets for the kids to entertain themselves. 

  • Utilize the student assistants to aide in any task that need to be done.

  • Assist the Show Coordinator to organize the participants in the order they perform and ensure they are ready when the Floor Prep Coordinator needs them.  

  • Ensure children remain on the stage until they are called to be signed out at the end of the show.

  • Assist in organizing group photo for showcase.

Ticket Takers

  • Ensure only one adult enters 30 minutes prior with the gymnast to ease congestion.

  • Open doors to other guests 15 minutes prior to showtime.

  • Collect donation receipts in lieu of tickets.

  • Total the amount of donations received for your show and provide the amount to the Show Coordinator.

  • Direct guests to the gym area and ask that they are promptly seated.

  • Remind guests to tidy the gym for the next show and ensure they promptly leave the gym area after the show.

  • Check the bathroom for toilet paper and paper towel supply.